Sunday, July 28, 2013

Construction Helper for iPhone or Android Phone

Thanks to Myron, an architect/builder I heard about an APP for smart phones that might be useful to builders or architects.  It is called Design Dimensions, and is by Arc Mist LLC.  Look for it in the App store.  24 MB,  cost $ .99. 

It appears to have many dimensions for many building products, and also the weights for some.  It can give you these dimensions in feet and inches or metric.  I have not explored it enough to give an opinion, but I trust Myron’s word that it is useful and accurate enough.

While checking it out in the iTunes APP store, I saw another App that might be useful as well.  Called Stair Magic, it sells for $2.99.  By putting in variables it gives you tread, rise, run and so on with numbers of steps.  For remodelers or new home designers, this could be nice double-check or speedy way to figure out potential feasibility and costs where a stair in to be installed or modified.

Please post a comment if you have tried one of these. They don’t appear to have had many reviews.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Tech Man! I do use the Design Dimensions app quite a bit for a quick reference. It sure is a handy tool for finding out how much space to allow for appliances, furniture and other furnishings. I use the app as more of a guide and rely on manufacturer-specific dimensions whenever I can. When the manufacturer info isn't available (or the homeowner has not yet decided), this is a great tool to get an accurate idea of what to expect!

    Thanks for the info!!
