Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sprial light bulbs, revisited again.

My dislike of spiral blubs is fading as I get better and better results.  I just got some 40 watt bulbs at Lowes today, Sylvania, micro mini CFL, 2700 K wave length light, and 40 watt replacement, drawing 10 watts of power.  They are INSTANT ON.  Smaller than prior versions.  And last 12,000 hours.  Outlasting 50 equivalent 40 watt incandescent bulbs. Saving massive amount of money on electricity.

The signs in the store say that up to 40% of some homes electric bill (probably in off seasons) is for lighting.  But the reason I am converting, even to little desk lamps is

1.      no flickering anymore
2.      they put off a fraction of the heat, and this is summer, and my cooling isn’t big enough to cover any excess heat
3.      the wave length of light is now pretty acceptable in most of the things I am doing with it
4.      they are sweeping the country, and regular bulbs are fading away anyway
5.      I am tired of climbing up on ladders to replace bulbs a few times a year, with these, I might not live long enough to ever replace them

Now LED blubs are on the way, and Lowes had a huge promotion showing how they work, and why they are even better. Unfortunately good ones start at $10 and go to $30 each bulb.  And they are not all dim-able, if that’s a real word.  Same for some spirals.

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