Saturday, February 15, 2014

Smoke Detector -- new concept, First Alert ATOM

First Alert Atom P-1000

It was time to replace my (battery powered) smoke detectors and I dropped in a big box store to shop, and found a new product, or new to me, and that is the First Alert ATOM, a very tiny detector that is much less ugly and much less bulky than the old fashioned detectors we used to install everywhere.   I liked the more-or-less 10 year life and then dispose (no detector should be left up more than 10 years, they lose effectiveness).  Fairly easy to install (very white, not off white).  Very loud alarm from a tiny item. Amazon reviewers give this unit 5 stars --- many such reviews at that.  One review was very descriptive.  This particular detector is a so-called photo cell type unit that is less prone to false alarms and is better for deadly smoldering smoke type fires.  An ionization type unit is better for some types of fires, but in terms of fires that cause death, they are less effective, but, as said, they are better for some types of fires.  Bottom line, you compromise, no matter which type you choose.

But there is an answer, put up one of each type, and add a CO2 detector as well.  That’s a great deal of hardware on your ceiling.  The better answer might be an “all in 1”, that does all three in a single (large, flat box shaped) detector.  These were at the big box, but they were $45 or more each. And a house would need several I think. 

Three for $60 is a good price, I paid $20 for one. Please leave your comments on what you are using and what you intend to buy next.

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