Monday, April 30, 2012

War on Junk Mail

Nice Forbes article on the future of Junk Mail.  Who knew there were apps that you could use to photograph the junk mail that comes out of your mail box and those apps would e-mail it to MailStop, and MailStop would take it from there -- with just the photo.  And notify the advertiser to “STOP sending you their junk advertising”.

Competitor companies will do the same. Catalog Choice,  and PaperKarma,

Did you know that junk mail now accounts for 51% of the USPS total revenue?  Without it, can the USPS survive ?  Standard First Class mail falls 7% a year now due to e-mail and fax.  By 2020, our Standard First Class mail is projected to make up only 35% of postal revenue.

The article above, in Forbes, tells more, read it if you want to know more.  Will the mail box go the way of the telephone booth?  Stay tuned.  Add your thoughts to this Blog. 

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