Saturday, December 15, 2012

Yanking a Thumb Drive From Your Computer

A short article in Popular Science addressed this question this week.

1. An external hard drive, or backup drive --- could suddenly crash, or  have other problems, always use the "safely remove" command in the lower right trey.  If you don't know how to do that, or find the correct drive number to "safely remove"  email or comment and we will find help

2. SSD's  or solid state type drives, while not too common (in my arena) have no moving parts so they are more Yank friendly.  But you can't be transferring data or running TRIM  And sudden removal can fry tiny components, so use the "safely remove or eject" command for these as well.

3. Those pinkie-sized thumb drives --- Yank them at your leisure, unless, that is, you've turning on write Cache Mode.  Unplugging this before it is done transferring data, could really mess you up.  So, if you can, use the "safely remove hardware or eject" command as well.  But under many circumstances, like photo transfers that you know are completed you are probably safe to just Yank it out.

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