Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Video Phone Calls & Video Conferencing

While not yet an expert at this topic, I have some to believe that the best video phone call process for most people would be the so-called FACE TIME app for the i Pad.  This is also available on the i Touch (the advanced version of the i Pod) since it has a front facing camera.  SKYPE is very popular and has some kinks in it for some folks, but it will work on a PC or an Mac.  Notebook computers usually have the front facing camera built in.  Desktops would need an external camera.  Bandwidth is crucial for both of these, but maybe less so with the i Pad.  Even with 3-G connection Face Time would probably be acceptable on the i Pad.

Now comes the larger question -- what about business (or organization) video conferencing to save money and time?  No more driving to meetings, motels, flights, etc.  Of course for major money, you can build a special room for these kinds of conferences that does a fabulous job.  Some Kinko's stores used to have such rooms for rent.  Now comes something new for me.  Cisco is a leader in this kind of conferencing and I was offered a chance to view a web-cast describing their affordable device called

Cisco TelePresence  SX20 Quick Set

The Cisco TelePresence SX20 Quick Set easily turns any flat panel display into a flexible, powerful and sleek telepresence system with high definition video quality, multiparty conferencing and three different camera options to accommodate various room size and configurations – all at a value price.

Please post your experience with any of these so all my Blog readers and, of course, I, can benefit.  

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